Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Re-releases of Leonard Cohen’s first three albums set to disappoint

I bought all the Leonard Cohen LPs, on vinyl, soon after release. All of them. And then, eventually, replaced them with CDs. And I bought all the later CDs on release.

So I rate Leonard’s work music highly – on my musical street map, he occupies the top floor in The Tower Of Song, below Dylan’s penthouse suite, and alongside neighbours like Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison and Neil Young.

So I should be excited about the imminent re-issue, with bonus tracks, of the great first three albums. But I’m not. In fact, I’m not sure I’ll even buy them.

Because the “remastered, expanded” CDs, with new liner notes, due at the end of April, will have a mere five “new” tracks – in total.

I’ll probably keep my money in my pocket, hoping to contribute later to the restoration of Leonard’s shrunken retirement fund by buying, instead, tickets for any English gig he might play.

For Leonard Cohen, but only for him, I’d break my vow to avoid all crappy music venues, and go see him perform in an arena. Maybe even in a stadium.

Gerry Smith