When, aeons ago, I first discovered HMV’s massive London Oxford St (aka Circus) store, it was like a premonition of what Heaven might be like. For years thereafter, I could easily waste half a day immersing myself in the sheer breadth and depth of the product on offer, before shuffling off home, wallet considerably lighter.
HMV remained my music supplier of choice until a couple of years ago. But – familiar story – my music buying has gradually widened, to take in supermarkets, Amazon, iTunes and, most notably, Fopp.
Seeking to catch up with new Neil Young product recently, I was reminded why my infatuation with HMV has cooled. Just compare some prices:
* Living With War – Raw: £15 at Fopp, £12 FNAC, Valencia, £21 at HMV, £7.11p on iTunes,
* Heart Of Gold DVD: £22 at Fopp, £25 at HMV, £12 in FNAC, Valencia
* Live At Fillmore: £11 at Fopp, £13 at HMV, £3.16 on iTunes
* Live At Massey Hall: CD-WOW is taking pre-orders at £7.99, delivered; I don’t use HMV online, after an unsatisfactory experience, but the in-store price is unlikely to compete.
From an annual spend of £500-£1,000 at HMV, I’ll be surprised if I spend 20% of that this year. If there are many other consumers like me out there, the company’s in trouble – a pity, because I still have a soft spot for it. I can still be wooed back - but HMV’ll have to try harder, and not only on pricing.
Gerry Smith