Thursday, February 22, 2007

The Bible and Bob Dylan

I’ve been re-reading Scott Marshall’s handsome study, Restless Pilgrim: the spiritual journey of Bob Dylan (Relevant Books, 2002, 188pp, pbk).

It’s diligently researched, referencing an abundance of sources, and finely written - a well-informed introduction to the spiritual dimension of Dylan’s output as it has developed since the early 1960s. It’s a helpful entrée into a richly complex subject.

Quite apart from the well-crafted text, the design of Marshall’s book makes it a must-have in any half decent Dylan collection: it’s the most beautiful artefact in my Dylan library.

If you can’t get hold of a copy of the book, Scott Marshall has covered similar ground in four extensive articles on the web (links supplied by James Dring). Dylan fans owe Marshall a debt of gratitude for making a key topic approachable:

Gerry Smith