Friday, December 08, 2006

Dylan, Stones, Jackie Leven and The Pirates

Thanks to Mike Ollier:

“A big thanx for putting that Dylan/Stones link up... great. And Bob smiled! Or perhaps he had wind? Now then, if we could get a video of both Van Morrison and Bob smiling together, wow that would be great!

“Your comments about why we should read other views about Dylan/Beatles etc is pertinent: I subscribe to UNCUT and I'm about sick of lists, Q&A from readers, stupid top 100s etc ~ it's called lazy journalism, in my book. They can't be arsed to pay someone or research something themselves. And when it comes to Xmas, the lists just hit the roof ~ reviews of the "best of the year" that I've already paid for previously...

“Saw Jackie Leven last night... exceptional artist ~ better 'celtic soul' than Van has mustered for many a year. Catch him (if you haven't already); not only is he a great singer, a great guitarist and a great performer... he is also very, very funny. His albums are superb and beautifully packaged and the man is a joy to speak with.

“Finally off back to London next weekend... Fopp an obvious stop! The Pirates @ The Borderline on Saturday evening. Oh yes!”

(And Mike isn’t the first correspondent on Music for Grown-Ups to speak so highly, unprompted, of Jackie Leven… - Gerry Smith)