Thursday, January 29, 2009

Astral Weeks - live

Long-time readers might recall that Van Morrison’s Astral Weeks is one of the favourite albums of Music For Grown-Ups.

And regular readers might remember seeing the recent rave review of Astral Weeks Live: Andrew Robertson travelled to the two Hollywood Bowl gigs from his home in Adelaide, South Australia. As he reported here, it was the concert-going experience of his life.

Well, now, aficionados on the US East Coast and in England and Wales get a chance to exult in a live performance of this masterpiece.

Morrison’s Astral Weeks Live moves to MSG in NYC on February 27 and 28; and to Bristol’s Colston Hall on Sat 20 June and Wales Millennium Centre in Cardiff on Sunday 21 June.

I’ve booked Cardiff: Mama!

The live CD from the Hollywood Bowl gigs is released on Monday 9 February, with a DVD to follow.

Now’s a good time for all those old Morrison fans (frinstance me, babe) who’ve sidelined the Man over the last six or seven years - disappointed by successive album releases and live shows – to celebrate his great art over and over again.

Van Morrison gets an extended profile in my new book, Music For Grown-Ups.

Gerry Smith