Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tell Tale Signs… and Neil Young Night on TV

Thanks to Martin Cowan:

“Pitchfork has a cracking review of Dylan’s new release, Tell Tale Signs:

“And just a reminder that this Friday, 31 October, sees BBC4 indulging in Neil Young Night, with the following line up:

9.30pm - In Concert: Neil Young - a 1971 gig by the singer/songwriter, showcasing songs from Harvest

10.00pm - Neil Young - Don't Be Denied. Tracing the musical journey of the legendary sing/songwriter through interviews and unseen performance footage.

11.00pm - CSNY/Deja Vu. A record of the 2006 Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young "Freedom of Speech" tour that was built largely around Young's "Living with War" album.

“Also of interest on the same evening on the same channel at half past midnight is a repeat of Hotel California: from the Byrds to the Eagles.”