Friday, June 08, 2007

World-class opera – FREE next week

If you’ve half fancied trying opera, but didn’t want to risk wasting money, here’s your chance. The Royal Opera production of Mozart's Don Giovanni is playing at a big screen, outdoors, near you on Wednesday 13th June at 7pm:

BELFAST Botanic Gardens
BIRMINGHAM Chamberlain Square
BRADFORD Centenary Square Terrace
DERBY Market Place
HULL Queen Victoria Square
LEEDS Millennium Square
LIVERPOOL Clayton Square
LONDON Covent Garden Piazza
MANCHESTER Exchange Square
ROTHERHAM All Saints' Square

As the Royal Opera says: “Bring a picnic, bring your family and friends and don't miss the magic and excitement of one of Mozart's most popular operas - ABSOLUTELY FREE!”

It’s a great opera, with a fine cast. Kudos: Royal Opera.

Gerry Smith