Thanks to Bernard McGuinn, Van Morrison aficionado who recently branched out:
“I went to see Springsteen last week at Sheffield Hallam Arena. I’d bought the tickets a lifetime ago, as a treat for my son, Adam, who'd expressed a wish to see him live. Of course, my son, the guitar hero, was clearly fixated on the E Street Band with Nils Lofgren and Steve Van Zandt - and Bruce is currently touring with his folk revival band performing the Pete Seeger stuff. So I was a bit wary about how he might respond.
“Of course, in the event, I needn't have worried: 17 people on stage, including Bruce, in a 14,000 sold-out hangar of a venue, and Bruce sang us home for a wondrous two and a half hour concert, with barely a second wasted.
“The band, and singers, well-knit yet loose, delivering the goods in a relaxed, happy fashion. The joy of seeing singer, band and audience all just loving it! He even included a nod to Sheffield's lost steel industry before performing Youngstown for the first time on this Euro tour, and a mention of wife Patti at home with teenage boys, before launching into Growin' Up. A memorable father/son moment for me.
“The highpoint of the concert was an unforgettable rendition of Devils and Dust. It really highlighted the power of live performance, in that the album of that name offers a good recording of a decent song, and yet, when I heard it live, it just connected emotionally on a whole new level.
“The song ended with a close-up shot of Bruce's eyes on the plasma screens. A heart-moving moment, so reminiscent of the way Van Morrison transported me in days of yore. And, irony of ironies, the pre-show gathering for a quick beer sported a healthier contingent of Van hardcore fans than has been seen at some of his UK shows lately. Try as I might, I couldn't spot where Bruce keeps his digital clock!”